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The Venus Matrix

Kristen and Michael Myers • Mar 14, 2020

The Venus Matrix 

Women’s Health Issues

This was me in 2012. I had just given birth to our beautiful baby girl. The process I endured to conceive, carry, and deliver her, almost cost me my life (see My Story Here). A few days after this picture was taken, I was in congestive heart failure and suffering from pulmonary edema. Thankfully I survived, but the days, weeks, and months after this experience were extremely difficult. I was left emotionally and physically broken. 

My healing journey from this experience was the catalyst for further development of the Fascial Matrix Connection Method™ (FMCM), specifically, for women’s health issues. 

Through the applications of FMCM, I have had the pleasure of assisting hundreds of women, with a wide array of conditions, bring their physical and emotional bodies back to health. The FMCM model presents a unique look at mitigating many women’s conditions. Conditions including, but not limited to:

• Infertility
• Secondary Infertility
• Postpartum care (alleviating physical and/or emotional stresses from difficult or disappointing labor and delivery experience)
• Dysmenorrhea
• Irregular menstruation
• Limitations following Cesarean section
• Chronic Pelvic Pain
• Postpartum Depression
• Anxiety

I would like to share with you a very basic explanation on how restrictions within the Venus Fascial Matrix (fascia specifically related to women’s health) can directly impact a woman’s health and wellbeing.

Fascia (connective tissue) surrounds every muscle, bone, organ, nerve, and vessel down to the cellular level. This connective tissue forms a three-dimensional web or matrix that connects from head to toe, arm to arm, without interruption.  
This system’s function is to support vital organs in their correct positions and provide cohesion to all the body structures. The fascial matrix keeps everything separate yet interconnected at the same time. The fascial matrix is woven into every system of the body. Within that tissue is a network of nerves, blood vessels, organs, bones, and muscles. Everything lies within fascia.

Within the suspension of the Venus Fascial Matrix, you will specifically find the reproductive system, urinary system, nerves and circulatory vessels. The fascia within this area supports the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, bladder, ureters, etc., yet separates them in their appropriate position.

When an area of connective tissue is compressed, restricted, or compromised, the structure that is wrapped within or around the restricted fascia is also impeded. If connective tissue is injured or damaged from tears/microtears, cut, punctures, blunt force trauma, or other life stresses, the tissue will become inflamed. While the inflammation is a normal physiological response, the fascia will respond to the injury by tightening up on the area. The tightening or freeze response will restrict the flow of blood and lymph to the area possibly causing too much inflammation. This response may lead to adhesions, scars, or fascia that is crystalized. The fascial response to trauma and stress creates twists, turns, and pulls throughout the weave of the tissue.

Within these adhesions and scars, we will find the chemical byproducts that have occurred from the traumas or life stresses. These stored chemical byproducts can contribute to anxiety or PTSD (see Emotions in the Matrix for further details).

The FMCM techniques used to elongate the tissue include active movements (FMCM is a form of Movement Therapy) into specific postures, which alter the composition of the adhesions, scars, or congested tissue. The techniques vary from client to client as each person carries their own specific traumas, bracing patterns, scars, and life experiences. Over time, the fascial restrictions develop in individualistic ways that are unique and completely unpredictable, therefore, treating someone in a “recipe book” fashion will not work. Because each case is unique, FMCM is individually tailored to the patient as he or she changes, session to session, moment to moment.

How does FMCM work? 

Our approach elongates and restructures the scarring, adhesions, or stresses within the weave of the Venus Fascial Matrix, helping to restore agility, strength, space, and overall function. 

What occurs after the agility, strength, and space is restored to the Venus Fascial Matrix?
• Regular menstrual cycles
• Pregnancy for infertility/secondary infertility clients
• Optimize health and wellbeing during pregnancy 
• Optimize structure to improve labor and delivery outcomes
• Elimination of pelvic floor dysfunction or pain
• Improve digestion

FMCM also offers a gentle and effective way to eliminate toxins (chemical byproducts) that have accumulated and stored in the body from trauma or stressful life experiences, offering healing within both the physical body and the emotional body.  

My transition into motherhood was far from easy. While I was blessed with a beautiful daughter, I was left sick and barely thriving. Now I see that experience as a gift. A gift that guided Mike and I towards the FMCM protocol for women’s health. A gift to help other women who cannot find the answers to the problems that they experience on a day to basis. A gift for women to transform and live a life of emotional and physical freedom.

I feel blessed every time I witness that transformation. 

Copyright 3.9.20


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